Love Notes From Your Natal+Home

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Natal+Home Playlists

Image by Unsplash - Ain’t she as gorgeous as the sunlight!?

Curated for your soul, my love. Get lost and found somewhere at the beginning, near the middle, or by the end of this Divine playlist.

Play it in order or hit “shuffle” if your soul is musically adventurous. Share a song or two to inspire others.

Scroll down for more playlists. Enjoy. I love you!

This is the anchor playlist of Natal+Home.

Have a long chat with yourself through the lyrics of these Divine musical messengers.

Happy New Day!

Don’t wanna get out of bed, today? Follow or add this playlist to your alarm (the very last one you set after 5 or 6 snooze alarms, LOL), on your phone, watch, or via Alexa or Google Assistant. Wake the fxck up to dance your axx into a New Day!

Flirt With Your Energy Playlist

Click that sexy-axx playlist, you powerful being, you! Raise your vibes and quite possibly your libido with this this energetically delicious digital concert.

Enjoy. I love you!